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Memories of past events

1 Jan 2025
The Club traditionally flies on the first day of the year to start the year right!
Windsock Replacement Hikes
2024 Replacement
Thanks Philip K!
2019 Windsock Hike
The windsock at the top of our ridge was replaced on March 16th.
2019 Banquet

We had fun at the Las Vegas Golf Club for our 2019 Awards Banquet.  Thanks to Rebecca Graham for taking these pictures.

30th Anniversary of LVVSA - 5 May 2018


George Caldwell assembled a video of old pictures and video clips for the 30th Anniversary celebration of LVVSA, 

held on 5 May 2018.  He put the video on a DVD and put copies in the Club House.  Be sure to get your copy!

TPH15 Safari

Several members took their gliders to Tonopah, NV in June, 2015 for a cross-country safari.  The weather was borderline and there were tow plane issues but the socializing was fun, as usual.  Ask Joanne or Doug about why they got the Crash Test Dummy award.

2015 Banquet

We had fun at Via Brasil Steakhouse for our 2015 Awards Banquet.  Thanks to Omri Blit for taking these pictures.

Quotes from Fall 2014 Auto Tow Event

Whenever a certain club member is around, she will be writing down what folks say if it seems funny at the time.  Here are some quotes from a recent event.  (Warning: some may be rated AT LEAST (PG) )

Video from Oct 2011 Roach Lake Auto Tow event

Doug Mueller recorded video from different vantage points on different gliders and edited it down to this excellent flick.  Check out what we do at the dry lake and come see us some time.

LVVSA was on local tv in the early 2000's

Clark County put together a video about LVVSA from a visit one day many years ago. Check it out.

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